The simple and ideal matrix for anterior restorations of class III, IV, V cavities, direct stratification composite veneers, and shape modifications.I..
"GC Gold Label IX Extra / Fuji IX Extra is the latest addition to the well established family of glass ionomers that offers unsurpassed wear resistanc..
"Dentsply Zelgan 2002 is a dust-free irreversible hydrocolloid alginate impression material that can be used to make perfect preliminary dental impres..
A self-adhesive restorative Like Never Before. Experience the nextgeneration of hand-mixed, self-adhesive posterior restorative featuring GC Advanced ..
G-Premio BOND is a universal, 8th generation bonding agent that is compatible with total-etch, self-etch and selective etch techniques providing excel..
The use of myRing Forte is extremely easy and the results are predictable – perfect seal of the margins, while ensuring an adequate outline of the restoration and tight contact points. The separating force of myRing Forte is more than enough to compensate the thickness of the already thinnest matric..